This is not one of our projects. But it’s unique. Can you spot the inconsistency?
The front windows are a black frame and the side and back windows have white frames. We’re not sure if this was a cost cutting measure on the part of the contractor or if it was a deliberate act for aesthetics. It does prove the point that you can have it your way. So if you’re in love with a more expensive window and want it to make an impact on curb appeal, go for it. You can always cut costs with other windows that don’t have high visibility.
But don’t give up efficiency to save a few bucks. You’ll recover the cost difference in heating and cooling costs when you go with a better window. The better quality window will also perform better and last longer. This new homeowner will likely be considering vinyl window replacement in as few as 5 years. With that south facing exposure, the extreme heat and cold contrast can destroy cheap vinyl material. So when you go shopping for your next vinyl replacement windows, ask about the quality and thickness of the vinyl.